Tuesday, January 22, 2008

हैप्पी बिर्थ्दय टू मी

Woa. That says Happy Birthday to me... but I'm not sure in what font! Its showing up as though its in hindi. totally cool. That just made my day.

I'm officially 29! and excited. despite the fact that I cant have a birthday or any celebration it seems without crazy things happening--whether its a blizzard, car accidents or health concerns that keep people from the party...

but hopefully 29 is a turning point and awful things wont happen to keep me from celebrating other important milestones.. like say my graduation...

though perhaps this time I wont tempt fate by planning a party for that....

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

tired, happy, stressed: one ring to rule them all

yes, i actually now own a mood ring that works... I get various shades AND stripes of color combinations. It's actually really interesting. Sad though that more often than not these days its moving away from deep blue (V. content) to dark black (stressed!!) We'll have to fix that soon....


Saturday, September 08, 2007

Paper time

So I'm supopsed to be writing my paper right now--havent really done that. though I have two massive footnotes and so im on page two! haha! Its 2 am.. I'm giving myself an hour to hit at least 4 pages. Then sleep and get back to work tomorrow at like8 or 9... and work straight through to have at least 15 more pages written by the end of tomorrow. Then maybe if i'm good i'll watch a netflix at night and relax with some aloo ghost or maybe i'll make.. hmm no not going to happen. It'll prolly be aloo ghost cause its good mommy food that is already defrosting in my fridge ;)

okay back to it.

btw i finally have internet at home again :) Yay Joe!

oh and Tweeter still haunts the library.

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Tweeter's gotta go!

First week of school--and I'm already staying late in the library.

But this time I have company. Tweeter. The chirpy cricket that has decided to never shut up. It's the most annoying sound I've heard. I'd rather have people talking than the stupid constant chirping I'm being subjected to. So.. we had a hunt for tweeter.

And lucky for him we didn't find him. Otherwise, he'd be spending a cold night outside. (You didn't think we were going to kill him did you!? I mean we named him! we're not that heartless--he was cute for the first five minutes.)

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Watching the GEOTV Pakistan Festival

Two weeks after crashing into the festival for Pakistan's big 6-0 at Trafalgar, I'm sitting in NJ on parent's couch watching the event. Wow I can't believe how packed Trafalgar Sq really was. There're random crowd shots.. and I actually think I saw myself.. the only person looking away from the cameras! The shot here is of Ali Zafar--the last act.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Bloggin at Panera

With a very new looking mac!!! wow. When they say they clean it up completely they dont lie.

Anyway, I've been a bit bad about posting.. but i'm going to try and be better. It's part of my new save some time for myself plan of life. Having said that, this is still going to be a short post since I have to run off and watch a movie in the me time.. Maybe I'll write about that tonight.. or my IP reading. hmm we'll see.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Photo-blogging of La Rochelle: Yes I whipped out the laptop at random places.